Phoenix Reserve

Product Details

Raises calcium hardness level safely in pool water. You should maintain the level of calcium in your pool water at 200 ppm in vinyl and fiberglass pools and 300 ppm in concrete and plaster pools. This is an important step in keeping control of your pool.

One pound of Reserve added to 10,000 gallons of pool water will increase your calcium hardness level by 80 ppm. While the water is circulating, broadcast Reserve across the deepest part of your pool. Available in 5LB, 10LB, 20LB, 50LB.

Product Features

  • Available in 2LB, 5LB, 10LB, 25LB, 50LB.
  • Use 1lb per 10,000 gallons of water to increase your calcium hardness level by 80 ppm.

Additional Information
